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anecdote in each lips.
Does it rest there. No, obviously. Has someone made it to the end . Yes, very
few. To me friendship is sky and earth. sky has always a upper hand. It passes
the extreme heat, the severe cold , thundering and what not. The earth at the
bottom receives each thing as a blessing from the dear friend. Never it has
made any grievance, not even expressed its choice what actually it wants at the
right moment. Does it mean in friendship one should always be contented what
the friends desires for him/her. No, there should be a balance. Each should
play its part. Then I reached a lit bit above. I thought friendship is like
between the sun and the moon. The sun plays its part, and lets moon to play the
same. Does it mean there should be non-interference. Is friend ship left then
to watch the friend behind the screen. Not at all. Not finding my answer in the
ghost things. I decided to turn back to the earth. I saw a small creature.
Erected in two legs, with two arms to move freely, this creature was the
radiant crown in the space between earth and sky. I heard they are called
Humans, the social beings. Though at some times I only see them as economic and
political animals. But at the same time , they behaved as they were only one
entity. The spirit was one.legs were one . Arms were one. And above all minds
were one. They cared for neighbors . I saw they took the injured to hospital.
They were party in sorrows and happiness of others. They talked, walked
together.I saw black hand in bubble arms. Poor in the palaces.Above all the
young glittering faces, mesmerizing like the summer butterflies. I decide to be
in this community. I am here. I cherished to be here for long long time. I also
want to play my part as friend.......friendship.
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